Huffalump Shopping is GOOD for the Soul

Welcome to Huffalump Shopping! This is a blogshop! (Did I just coin a new term??? Whoo Hoo!) Feel free to browse and let let me know if you want anything. Items could be traded or bought. All prices in USD. Shipping may vary and will be described in the page description of the product. There is no strategy here, just a place to liquidate my odds and ends. As always email me or post on the blog if you want something =)

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Location: Singapore, Singapore

I am not a fuffalump or a huffalump. My name is Edmund and I don't remember anything. sighz... hey! I thought this was a private thing!!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mox Sapphire

Not everything is for sale.

But putting stuff up will at least garner attention and possibly get offers... so that if I do put it up for sale... well....

So now you know.

 YOU can actually put me an offer for stuff I post up here =) and OBVIOUSLY I will only let it go at the right price =)

I am normally a nice guy .... so the alot of stuff I would sell it if it is too expensive. Like this guy here:

or these guys:

but these are just for collection. So who knows. Just letting everyone know that these exist and if you do think you have a good offer. Fill free to offer it =)

Good Day ppl!

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