Huffalump Shopping is GOOD for the Soul

Welcome to Huffalump Shopping! This is a blogshop! (Did I just coin a new term??? Whoo Hoo!) Feel free to browse and let let me know if you want anything. Items could be traded or bought. All prices in USD. Shipping may vary and will be described in the page description of the product. There is no strategy here, just a place to liquidate my odds and ends. As always email me or post on the blog if you want something =)

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Location: Singapore, Singapore

I am not a fuffalump or a huffalump. My name is Edmund and I don't remember anything. sighz... hey! I thought this was a private thing!!!!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Art - Regeneration August Contest MTGSalvation

Hmm I created this site to try to sell random stuff, I realised I classified it under crafts...

Cos I do make little trinklets and stuff... some time long ago....

But I guess artworks count as well, but I thoroughly suck, so bear with me ;)

This is a piece for the card regeneration. It is the August artwork contest from mtgsalvation.

This was my initial sketch, the idea was a monk fatally wounded, but as he has the regeneration aura, the regeneration shield heals him, ready for combat.

Followed by some colour using a tablet and using GIMP. Yes my skillz suck =P

Well stay tuned for the next one I guess =)

So far thanks to Zaphod, BadLuck and Craven for the advice =D

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