Huffalump Shopping is GOOD for the Soul

Welcome to Huffalump Shopping! This is a blogshop! (Did I just coin a new term??? Whoo Hoo!) Feel free to browse and let let me know if you want anything. Items could be traded or bought. All prices in USD. Shipping may vary and will be described in the page description of the product. There is no strategy here, just a place to liquidate my odds and ends. As always email me or post on the blog if you want something =)

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Location: Singapore, Singapore

I am not a fuffalump or a huffalump. My name is Edmund and I don't remember anything. sighz... hey! I thought this was a private thing!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Power Completed

It took awhile, but I guess I am glad it is completed....

ironically, even with a full set of power, I still cannot play the deck I want due to the price of the other parts, which are now comparable in price to the power .... :P

The last piece was timetwister just today!

I believe the first piece was the mox sapphire. Followed by the Mox pearl. Then I went for the Black Lotus, then ruby, then jet and finally Mox Emerald.

For the blue power, I went for Ancestral first, followed by Timewalk and finally the Timetwister.

I kinda regretted not getting the Timetwister earlier as it was pretty low for last year and much of this year. I saw a few 200++ ones that were pretty minty (unlimited of course)... this one was a fiver.... I blame Dack and the resurgence of blue spell based vintage decks for the rise in the prices for the blue power (they had been low for awhile) plus oddly Vintage Masters Online.

This makes me kinda rethink (but its all moot now I guess), should you go for the most expensive piece and work downhill, or should you pick up the cheapest at the moment. I think the answer is if you can stave off the temptation to complete fast, it is possible to get a low price (a minty one mind you).

Ah well....

My story for the power is not too interesting, mostly off ebay. And I have a slight adventure with a fake lotus and all.

I hope to become rich enough to translate all these to the beta versions lol. That is a tall order! But we'll see I guess =)

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